Revival of Cholakkara Bhagavathi temple in Malappuram that were destroyed during 1921 riots.
During the 1921 Moplah Riots, the rioters destroyed the temple and forced the caretaker family to leave. When they refused, the daughter was violated. With no hope, the family left the temple and all their property.
The revival of the temple is happening 100 years after.
The efforts have started with preliminary round of discussions with those who have encroached the temple land and blocking its restoration. The neighbors who encroached temple land have joined hands under Kunheen and is trying best to block the temple restoration.
March 2022
The worship at the temple was restarted on 7 Mar 2022. We will do certain kriyas to awaken the Deity and increase the Divinity at the location. Rest of the process will also happen as per Shastras and following the ways of Dharma.
Jan 2023
The restoration work started at temple inspite of the blockade of the temple.